Shipments and returns

How much does shipping cost?

Shipments on are always free on all orders.

What are the delivery times.

Please allow 5 working days for delivery.
Evaluate the time required for credit approval, address verification and order processing, as well as for receiving payment in the case of a bank transfer. When the order is finalized and ready to ship, Nappa Gioielli will send you the shipping confirmation with tracking number
tracking by email.
We will do everything possible to ensure delivery by courier within the expected delivery time.

How can I track my order online?

Once your order has been shipped, you will receive an email with the tracking link.

For more information on the status of your order, you can contact us by phone or via Whatsapp on 081.413143 from Monday to Saturday from 10am to 8pm or by email at

When will my order ship?

Orders are shipped by Nappa Gioielli, from Monday to Friday from 10.30am to 5.00pm.

For orders placed on Friday after 5pm or on a day before a holiday, shipping will be made on the first working day.
During the Christmas period shipments may be slowed down.
In the month of August orders will be processed by day 6. For orders placed
after this date shipments will resume on the 30th.

Is it possible to make a return?

Yes, it is possible to return a product only if purchased online within 14 days from the purchase date without additional costs if the following conditions are fully respected:

• the products must not have been used, worn or washed.
• the products must be returned in their original packaging.
• returned products must be delivered to the courier within 14 days
starting from the date of receipt of the order.
• the products must not be damaged.

If you decide to return an item you will be refunded the entire amount paid within 14 days of receiving the returned product. We will make the refund using the same means of payment used by the Customer for the initial transaction; in any case, there are no costs to be paid by you for this reimbursement.

It is not possible to return a product purchased in the Boutique but it is possible to make an exchange with any other product sold by Nappa Gioielli.

Is it possible to make a change?

It is possible to exchange a product purchased on or in the Boutique with any other product sold by Nappa Gioielli if the following conditions are met:

• the products must not have been used, worn or washed.
• the products must be returned in their original packaging.
• the products must not be damaged.

If the product to be exchanged is more expensive than the desired product, you will receive a voucher equal to the difference in price of the two products which can be spent both online and in the Boutique.
If the returned product is less expensive than the desired product, the Customer or Gift Recipient, as the case may be, will have to pay the difference in price.

Is it possible to receive a gift box?

All products purchased on are delivered in the original packaging of the purchased brand. In addition, our shopper will be delivered, an envelope seal sticker, a ribbon to wrap the gift and a velvet case to store the jewels. If you would like to attach a card with a personalized message, please let us know at check out or by sending an email to We will take care of rewriting the message on a headed card.

How can I make a return or exchange.

It is only possible to return products purchased online by following the following procedure.

In the event that the shipment was made via DHL by Nappa Gioielli, you will find in the package a specific DHL return slip already pre-filled and
pre-paid to be applied on the package.

• Seal the delivery packaging and attach the return label to the package.
• Book collection on the website or deliver the package to the DHL center closest to you.
• The package will be collected by DHL and sent to our warehouse.

If the shipment was made via Ferrari Spedizioni you can contact us by phone or via Whatsapp on 081.413143.

It is possible to exchange a product purchased both online and in the Boutique with any other product sold by Nappa Gioielli. To make an online exchange, first follow the return procedure described above. Subsequently, you will be given a voucher equal to the amount previously spent via email which can be used both online and in the Boutique.

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